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Julianne Moore, Alicia Vikander

Directed by=Julie Taymor

Description=The Glorias is a movie starring Julianne Moore, Alicia Vikander, and Janelle Monáe. The story of feminist icon Gloria Steinem's itinerant childhood's influence on her life as a writer, activist and organizer for women's rights




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Watch online the gloria's movie putlocker. Watch online the gloria's movierulz. Watch online the gloria's movie watch. Watch online the gloria's movie 123. The glorias Download Full… Watch The Glorias full movie watch online in hindi. Watch online the gloria's movie cast. Watch Online The Glorias movie maker. Watch Online The Glorias. Watch Online The Glorias movie page imdb. Credit... Marianne Barcellona When you purchase an independently reviewed book through our site, we earn an affiliate commission. For many public intellectuals these days, speaking engagements pay the bills. But listening, according to the feminist icon Gloria Steinem, is even more important. Her new book, “My Life on the Road, ” provides a lesson in how to stay relevant when your name is synonymous with a decades-old movement that has fallen in and out of popular favor: Keep moving. And keep asking questions. Steinem calls herself a “wandering organizer, ” and she explains how a life of travel has boosted her spirits, shaped her politics and made her a household name. From her earliest days speaking on college campuses with her collaborators Florynce Kennedy and Margaret Sloan, to her work as a journalist on assignment for New York magazine, to her role drawing crowds to campaign events — it’s easy to understand how the political change Steinem has witnessed and fostered is directly proportional to how peripatetic her life has been. “I come by my road habits honestly, ” Steinem, whose father was an itinerant salesman, writes. She was raised in an era when women were still primarily associated with the hearth and home, but was drawn to a life of travel after two years touring India in her early 20s. Since then, she has spent more than half her life on the road. Steinem has gained wisdom from cabdrivers and fellow airplane passengers, and gotten story tips from strangers at rural diners and truck stops. The road signifies freedom in other ways, too. An outsider can often express things that local organizers or embattled professors or political staff members may not be able to say. Like a feminist Zelig, the 81-year-old Steinem seems to have been present at many of the most important political moments of the last five decades. She listened to Martin Luther King Jr. at the 1963 march on Washington, and a black woman standing next to her pointed out the dearth of black women organizers onstage with him. She stood in the White House speechwriter Ted Sorensen’s office as John F. Kennedy bade him farewell, on his way to deliver a speech in Dallas in 1963. She’s in California with Dolores Huerta and Cesar Chavez in 1968, in solidarity with the farmworkers’ strike. She organizes the National Women’s Conference in Houston in 1977. She’s being cheered on a Pennsylvania campaign stage with the vice-presidential candidate Geraldine Ferraro in 1984. She’s in Palm Beach, Fla., the day after the 2000 election, as voters demand a recount. “If you find yourself drawn to an event against all logic, go, ” she advises. As an author, Steinem is best known for her essay collections published in the 1980s and 1990s. Though they all contain first-person anecdotes, none are as autobiographically comprehensive as “My Life on the Road. ” Steinem’s life has been so remarkable that her memoir would have been fascinating even without a central theme, but her decision to use travel as a thematic thread was a smart one. While the book is far from a tell-all, Steinem offers a few juicy details. She discusses her beef with the prickly ­second-wave feminist pioneer Betty Friedan. She describes sharing a cab with Saul Bellow and Gay Talese, who, according to Steinem, dismissed her as “a pretty girl who comes to New York and pretends to be a writer. ” And she is candid about her choice to support Hillary Clinton over Barack Obama in the 2008 Democratic primary. She made a pro-con list on a yellow legal pad, but in the end, it came down to personal connections: “If I were Obama, I would not feel personally betrayed by the lack of support from someone like me, a new ally. If I were Hillary Clinton, I might feel betrayed by a longtime supporter who left me for a new face. ” In her view, the contentious 2008 primary was falsely characterized by the media as a fight over race and gender. Steinem is as much a part of the media as she is a part of the movement, so this explanation rings a bit hollow — especially because Steinem wrote a controversial Op-Ed in The New York Times about the candidates in which she noted, “What worries me is that he is seen as unifying by his race while she is seen as divisive by her sex. ” Steinem, who has become used to being the target of right-wing protesters, was shocked when she drew the ire of her fellow feminists for creating a hierarchy of oppressions. That was not, she writes, her intention. But it was “definitely my fault. ” Steinem has spent her career as a hybrid journalist-activist, which means at one moment she’s covering a campaign as a reporter, and the next she’s onstage as a movement organizer. As she leaps from anecdote to anecdote, it can be hard to follow which role she is occupying at any given moment. The line must have been blurry for her, too, though she doesn’t confess to feeling conflicted about it. Her writing style reflects this professional dualism. “My Life on the Road” includes the reported storytelling of a great magazine article, but several of its sections are organized in long bullet points, with pithy takeaways at the end that are ripe for quoting on Twitter or reblogging on Tumblr. By her own admission, she doesn’t do much listening or talking online. She writes that abolitionists and suffragists “couldn’t rely only on letters, newspapers and books to spread the word, just as we must not rely only on television, email, Skype and Twitter. ” Throughout the book, she calls for in-person politics and face-to-face organizing. She extols the virtues of conversation circles in arousing empathy and creating connections, but insists that such breakthroughs are simply not possible online. “The miraculous and impersonal Internet is not enough, ” she writes. Yet she fails to acknowledge that the in-person connections she values most are not always accessible to us all. Sure, we can engage in conversations with people in our local communities. But Steinem’s most memorable gatherings have drawn together far-flung women, across racial and state lines, to share their personal experiences and find common ground. Most of us don’t have the time or money to crisscross the globe in search of meaningful feminist dialogue. And so we do the next best thing: We talk to one another online. If politics are, as Steinem writes, part of daily life, the Internet is one place where those politics play out. It seems foolish to play down its potential. Although Steinem beautifully illustrates how her perpetual motion has shaped her professional life, there’s almost no mention of how it has affected her personally. She tells a few stories that involve men she’s dated, like a rich guy with whom she flew to Palm Springs, and a nonwhite lover from the late ’60s, with whom she was verbally attacked by a carful of white teenagers. She was married from 2000 to 2003, when her husband, David Bale, died of cancer, but his name does not appear in her book. She does, however, devote several pages to her friendship with the Native American feminist activist Wilma Mankiller, and to Mankiller’s death and legacy. One gets the impression that Steinem’s lifelong ties with other women and activists — not her romantic entanglements — are the defining relationships of her life, though she never comes out and says so. In her afterword, Steinem reveals that in recent years, she “had to admit that I too was leading an out-of-balance life. ” She has become interested in nesting as much as traveling. This ending strikes an odd chord. She assures readers that we don’t have to give up the journey in order to have a home, and vice versa. But she does little to explain how or why she finally sought to strike this balance herself, and how much it has to do with her getting older. Perhaps this is the subject of her next book.

Upcoming SlideShare Loading in … 5 ×... Published on Aug 29, 2018 My Life on the Road stream audio books 1. LINK IN PAGE 4 TO LISTEN OR DOWNLOAD BOOK 2. Gloria Steinem—writer, activist, organizer, and one of the most inspiring leaders in the world—now tells a story she has never told before, a candid account of how her early years led her to live an on-the-road kind of life, traveling, listening to people, learning, and creating change. She reveals the story of her own growth in tandem with the growth of an ongoing movement for equality. This is the story at the heart of My Life on the Road. ​ Includes an introduction read by Gloria Steinem. 3. Written By: Gloria Steinem. Narrated By: Debra Winger, Gloria Steinem Publisher: Random House (Audio) Date: October 2015 Duration: 9 hours 27 minutes 4. Download Full Version My Life on the Road Audio OR Download now.

Watch online the gloria's movies. Watch online the gloria's movie 123movies. Watch online the gloria's movie full. Watch online the gloria's movie star. Watch online the gloria's movies and. 16 October, 2018 My wife drops me at the airport in Calgary. I'm traveling to Chicago. A fancy audio hardware company called Shure invited me to the city to check out some of the new tech that they'll be releasing in the coming months. I pass through security with no issues. As I lace on my boots, I am certain that I have my passport. It is in my hand as I board my flight. I place my passport in a buttoned pocket in my jacket before sitting down on the plane. Standing up at the end of my flight, my passport is still there. Upon landing, I pay it no further mind. I'm on the hunt for a cab ride into Chicago's downtown core. "They say they don't have any money but Jesus: lookit alla this construction, " my cab driver says to me. "It's alla the time. " I tell him that we have construction season in Calgary, too. But yeah, the traffic headed into the downtown is weaponized bullshit. My smartphone says that the trip should take 35 minutes. Curb to curb, it is a 90-minute ride. I pay the driver his due and step out of his hack. In the hotel's front door to the hotel's front desk. I have my luggage. I have a reservation. I have a credit card for incidentals. I do not have a passport. I don't have a driver's license, either. I haven't had one for years: my PTSD makes my being behind the wheel a bad idea. When we move our RV, my wife drives. I write. I tear ass through my jacket and both of my bags to find the missing document. Bupkis. I talk my way into a room key without the aid of photo identification. I enter my room. It's nicer than I deserve: leather, feathers and curated hooch. All of the fancy fails to return my passport to me. Calling the Chicago Police, O'Hare's customs agents and Calgary International's lost and found office inspires no joy. I flew into town with United (do not do this). I am directed by their people to fill in a web form. I do. If anything is found, they'll let me know. I call my wife. I call the folks at Shure to let them know my trip has gone pear-shaped. I head to bed and pretend that I will sleep. 17 October 2018 At six the next morning, I wake. I start making calls: Shure, to let them know that I'll be oh so late. The Chicago Police. United Airlines. The security operations centers at Calgary International and O'Hare. The taxi company. I leave messages. I'm instructed to call back later. I persist for four hours before calling the Canadian consulate to let them know that my passport has fucked off the face of the earth. It's a balancing act: as soon as I report my passport as missing, it will be canceled. Call too soon and I'll have to jump through bureaucratic hoops to get back home. Call too late and the process of finalizing my paperwork to cross back into Canada might take too long for me to make my flight the following day. If I was staying for longer than a few days, there would be no incentive to tell the powers that be that my passport is missing. It is entirely possible that after doing so, it would be found and, having been reported, it would be useless. I am not, however, going to be in town for a long time. My flight is scheduled to leave in a little over 24 hours. So, I call. I'm told to come to the consulate as soon as I can. It takes me 20 minutes, door-to-door. My morning on Canadian soil consists of doing Canadian paperwork and making American phone calls to Canadian friends. Will they vouch for my identity? Most are not sure that they want me back in the country. My afternoon is full of drug store photographs and pointed questions from those empowered to ask them. "So when you get back home, if they let you in, you're gonna need to apply for a new passport, " says the consulate officer. "If? " He nods a yeah and tells me, "they might decided that they need more information. You're asking them to trust who you are without having a guarantor vouch for you as you're not home to find one. It can go either way. " "So I have to apply for a another passport? After I get home? " "Yes. " "Didn't I just do that, this morning? " Upon arriving, I had been asked to fill out a passport application, along with ten other forms. "Yes, but that isn't for that. We need that information to get you emergency travel papers, " he explains. "You have to fill out another passport application, submit it with your guarantor's information and pay for a replacement passport to be be issued. Anyway, today's going to cost you $170 for processing fees. " I ask him if the price covered the cost of my new passport when I apply for it in Canada. Nah. It's three in the afternoon by the time the consulate officer tells me to come back at nine the next morning. I was supposed to have been with the folks from Shure since eight-thirty that morning. I let Shure know that I'd finished off with all the farmhands at the bullshit ranch and am on my way to meet them. 18 October, 2018 It is nine in the morning. Beyond explanation, my emergency travel document is ready to go when I show at the consulate. It is valid for two days. I will need this time. Once I finish with the consulate, I am left with 30 minutes to drive 45 minutes to O'Hare for a flight that leaves in 60 minutes. I am not made of time. Over the course of the past couple of days, Bullshit and I have become fast friends. Walking back to my hotel, I call to make changes to my travel arrangements. I return to my hotel, lock my travel papers in my room's safe and go to sleep for a few hours. Fuck everything. When I wake, I decide to spend the rest of my new found extra day in Chicago playing tourist. Hello to The Bean and Hemingway House. Something that I eat in Oak Park gives me food poisoning. If Chicago could not keep me it is happy to kill me. 19 October 2018 I wake up five hours before I need to be at the airport. It is, however, an hour before I want to be at the airport. I dress and check out of the hotel. Life has been a rolling clusterfuck since I arrived in Chicago. In my soul, I know it will be a rolling clusterfuck as I attempt to leave. I am not wrong. As I check in for my flight, I discover that United's personnel are not trained to recognize an emergency travel document issued by the Canadian government. It takes four attendants 25 minutes to provide me with a ticket. Their system refuses to accept my papers in lieu of a passport. The TSA are on the same bullshit. This particular bullshit varies so mildly from their typical bullshit that it is hard to tell the difference between the two. After they inspect my paperwork, I am "randomly" selected for further screening. I pass through no technology before I am told this. It's been a while since I've been pulled into a private room for a pat-down. I dress, pack and enter the international terminal in search of breakfast. I settle on a bacon and sadness omelet at Wolfgang Puck's. I should have done shots, instead. I am here to tell you that being in United's system, checked in, holding a ticket that was given to me by a United employee, along with government documentation is not enough to get you onto a United flight. I am told that I needed to be verified. "Can I see your passport? " "I don't have a passport. Thus this letter. " "They checked you in without a passport? " "We live in a world of wonders. " "I've never seen one of these before. " "The story of this day will be told to your children's children. " The attendant looks at me in a way that suggests she will drink the memory of me away at the end of her shift. Neither she, United's employee help desk, her supervisor or two other agents are versed in plugging an emergency travel document into their system. It takes close to 45 minutes before it is decided that it is fine to tell me this. I am told that I may not make my flight, despite my standing directly in front of the jetway that leads to my plane. As other passengers begin shuffling their passports and tickets forward for scanning, the United supervisor calls his supervisor. It is explained that through the dark workings of blood magick, I appeared at their kiosk. What could be done with such an aberration? Should I be purged with fire? It's fine, says the supervisor's supervisor. Just let him on and they'd take care of it later. 19 October, 2018: Part II Upon landing in Calgary, I turned on my phone. There was an email from United Airlines. They found my passport and wanted to know if I could pick it up. Header image via Flickr, courtesy of Randy Auschrat All other images via Seamus Bellamy.

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Watch Online The Glorias movie reviews. Watch Online The Glorias movie. Watch online the gloria's movies bollywood. Watch Online The Glorias movies. T he late feminist academic Carolyn Heilbrun spent five years writing a biography of Gloria Steinem. The Education of a Woman was published in 1995 when Steinem was 61. Heilbrun was mystified by Steinem’s “endless lending of herself to causes great and small”, always on the road, always living out of suitcases and unpacked boxes in the Manhattan brownstone she had bought in 1968. Steinem, Heilbrun decided, “to work effectively for the righting of many social wrongs, required a personality ill at ease with introspection …[she was] a subject who had little interest in delving”. In her latest book, My Life on the Road, Steinem, a social activist, writer, lecturer, itinerant feminist organiser and transformational leader, offers snapshots of dozens of women she has met crisscrossing America, including portraits of her powerful partners on speaking tours such as African American Florynce Kennedy and Wilma Mankiller, the first woman elected chief of the Cherokee nation. In the process, perhaps for the first time, Steinem most certainly does delve. Aged 81, she is currently setting up a college for community organisers and collating the grassroots history of the American women’s movement. She no longer has the large aviator glasses, middle parting and streaked blond mane that as “a girl reporter” in the misogynistic 70s attracted the title “pin-up girl of the intelligentsia”, but there is something even more striking in its place; a sense in this book that the jigsaw pieces are no longer uncomfortably out of place. Steinem quotes Mary Lamberton Becker: “We grow neither better nor worse as we get older, but more like ourselves. ” Is she more like herself? Has the enigma dissolved and the early contradictions resolved themselves? Scathing of the upper classes and celebrity, for instance, she attended a glitzy gala for her 50th birthday, tickets for which cost $250 each, to raise funds for her various causes. Bette Midler provided the cabaret. A very large part of what has moulded Steinem is her childhood, whose impact she refused to acknowledge, she has said many times, until she hit a metaphorical brick wall in her 50s. Then the woman whom an enthusiastic Ladies Home Journal once described as “an unqualified beauty with the follow-me-on-to-the barricades charisma that makes a myth” ran out of steam. ‘Each of us has an inner child of the past living with us’: Steinem in July 1977. Photograph: Bettmann/Corbis Therapy also resulted in 1992’s Revolution from Within. It was the story of her attempt to understand her “fate” of a perpetual life on the move, co-founding Ms magazine and a clutch of organisations including the Ms Foundation for Women, the Women’s Media Center, Direct Impact Africa and Equality Now. She wrote, with the light-touch irony that is her favourite defence, that at the same time as she was informed by a hand cream manufacturer that a survey had put her in the top 10 of American’s most confident women, she was falling apart. Steinem embarked on meditation, yoga and envisioning her “future and optional self” to mend her lack of self-esteem. “Each of us, ” she wrote, “has an inner child of the past living with us. ” Critics groaned; some supporters blanched. I interviewed her at the time. She was warm and friendly, stick-thin (her father and sister weighed 300lb so she describes herself as a “dedicated under eater” – another contradiction). She was funny, without ego and fond of quotations, among them Sartre’s “Freedom is what you do with what’s been done to you. ” For anyone coming to Steinem anew, it’s worth reading her earlier books to see how much more comfortable she now appears to be in her own skin. She has written often of her time in a rat-infested condemned farm, caring, from the age of 10 to 17, for her mentally ill mother Ruth, a former reporter, who was addicted to a sedative called chloral hydrate. Steinem played the accordion and “tried to tap dance” her way out of Toledo, Ohio, earning $10 a performance. “My mother loved me, ” Steinem once wrote, “but she couldn’t take care of me. ” Steinem has also written about her father but never before in such illuminating depth as in this book. Steinem’s portrait of Leo turns a brighter light on her feminism and her nomadic way of life. He was a man always on the make, a sometime antiques dealer who kept his family on the move in a trailer and sent the three-year-old Gloria to deal with debt collectors at the door. He essentially deserted Steinem and her mother (apart from occasional $50 bills in the post), but Steinem has written: “He loved and honoured me as a unique person. And that let me know that he and I – men and women – are not opposites at all. ” Steinem’s causes have remained unchanged – reproductive control, violence against women, civil rights and social justice come at the top of the list, “helping people to help themselves”. Her battlefield is global. Unlike some, she has never recanted, changed sides, expressed regret or given up. At one point, it looked as if the personal might drown the political in psychobabble, but in her ninth decade, as this book demonstrates, she is truer to herself and her causes than she has ever been. “I can go on the road, ” she writes, at peace, it seems, “because I can come home. ” My Life on the Road is published by Oneworld (£14. 99). Click here to buy it for £11. 96.

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